Selbstporträt von Jana Benninger mit Bleistiften vor dem Gesicht

Me as an artist

Artist's statement

Created with Sketch.
Selbstporträt von der Künstlerin Jana Benninger vor einem See

Art is therapy for me. I don't do art because I want to sell it or because I want to become rich with it. I mean for sure it is nice if it happens but this is not the goal. I do art because it helps me processing my past. A stressed CEO probably meditates every evening - I paint. The only difference is that meditating is not the CEO's job. So basically I'm doing therapy for myself, as a job. Graphite, paper and sometimes a video camera is all I need. I draw, I write and I mix these two things. 

I still want to become rich though. But I'd rather do it with curating art fairs and being a self-employed businesswoman. 2022 I have created a concept for an art fair that can be seen as a rebellious act against the art industry and the institutions. Sounds mighty right? Yeah, I wish it was. I wish this concept would have already changed the art world and would give artists the chance to live from their art and therefore live their dream. But the art world is still rather a lottery than anything else. Maybe in the future it will be changed or maybe never. 

Jana Benninger, born 23.7.2002 and currently residing in Münsingen, Bern. Studies in Bachelor Fine Arts at the Zurich University of the Arts and works as an artist. 
Co-founder and managing director of the Zurich art fair Kunst im Labor.

Jana Benninger am Film Openair Spiez
Jana Benninger am Zeichnen am Film Openair Spiez
Jana am Zeichnen vor einer Leinwand
Jana Benninger im Radio Studio von Neo1, bei einem Interview
Selbstporträt von der Künstlerin Jana Benninger vor einem See
Selbstporträt von der Künstlerin Jana Benninger vor einem See
Selbstporträt von der Künstlerin Jana Benninger vor einem See
Selbstporträt von Jana Benninger
Künstlerin Jana Benninger aus BernSelbstporträt von Jana Benninger
Selbstporträt von Jana Benninger